Monday, November 4, 2013

solo exhibition at Konsthantverkarna Örebro

photo courtesy Konsthantverkarna Örebro

Welcome to my solo exhibition in the gallery at Konsthantverkarna Örebro
Here are pictures from the opening, Saturday, Oct. 26th. The exhibition is on until Nov. 20th. 

Mon – Fri 11.00 – 13.30, 14.30 – 18.00
Sat 10.00 – 15.00

photo: Lena Hällzon
photo: Lena Hällzon

Taggig mellan (Prickly)
Taggig liten (Prickly) *sold*
Knopp (Bud)
En Stilla Betraktelse (A Tranquil Reflection)
Frid (Peace/Serenity) *sold*

Gossen (The Lad)
Mera Vild än Tam (More Wild than Tame)
Flickan Min (My Girl) *sold*
Hobo boots, bowls, cups and a thistle (see below)

Nature by Numbers

 Lena Hällzon behind the counter, a very talented bookbinder and one of the members of Konsthantverkarna Örebro. Check out her interesting and inspiring blog here!

the shop interior

A huge warm thank you hug to my friend and colleague Ebba Stålhandske - without who's help I couldn't have made it there in time, hang the exhibition, arrange everything and speed back home – all in one day. You're the best!  

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