photo courtesy Konsthantverkarna Örebro |
Here are pictures from the opening, Saturday, Oct. 26th. The exhibition is on until Nov. 20th.
Mon – Fri 11.00 – 13.30, 14.30 – 18.00
Sat 10.00 – 15.00
photo: Lena Hällzon |
photo: Lena Hällzon |
Taggig mellan (Prickly) |
Taggig liten (Prickly) *sold* |
Knopp (Bud) |
En Stilla Betraktelse (A Tranquil Reflection) |
Frid (Peace/Serenity) *sold* |
Gossen (The Lad) |
Mera Vild än Tam (More Wild than Tame) |
Flickan Min (My Girl) *sold* |
Hobo boots, bowls, cups and a thistle (see below) |
Nature by Numbers |
Lena Hällzon behind the counter, a very talented bookbinder and one of
the members of Konsthantverkarna Örebro. Check out her interesting and
inspiring blog
the shop interior |
A huge warm thank you hug to my friend and colleague Ebba Stålhandske - without who's help I couldn't have made it there in time, hang the exhibition, arrange everything and speed back home – all in one day. You're the best!
All pieces are wonderful!