Tuesday, February 10, 2009

before and after

I received a letter in the mail...

should we open it?

what can it be?

is it true?

oh what joy

...it was happy news: I got an arts grant from The Association of Swedish Illustrators and will be going to Kavalla in Greece for a month this coming fall! It's a wonderful, beautiful place, we visited Mattias when he was there for the same reason, last fall :)
I will be able to work for my upcoming exhibition later in November, which feels very luxurious; to be able to focus only on this for a whole month.


  1. What delightful photos. Funny girls!
    What wonderful wonderful news. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Congratulations - thats wonderful news and well deserved!! xx

  3. GRATTIS! Härligt med lite vacker miljö och bara sig själv att tänka på!
    Och tack för att ni tre tjejer roade mig (och alla andra) med "Den Stora Brevöppningen". Jag fick nästan hjärtklappning på slutet!!

  4. Big, big congratulation, it is a great news! You deserve it!

  5. congratulations. i loved the drama as well as the conclusion.

  6. Grattis! Vilken rolig bild serie! What a luxury too - not just to spend a month to focus and produce, but in Greece of all places. Like a dream vacation, I would call it :)

  7. Thank you all! I can hardly believe that I'm going to Greece for a whole month, it's so nice to have something to look forward to. I'll take you there with me, through cyberspace!
