Friday, May 23, 2014

my first ever review! and a new japanese paper book

My first ever review, in UNT, Upsala Nya Tidning! You can read it here if you find the text too small in the image. 
My exhibition, flux - in constant change at Kaleido Konsthantverk, is on for another week until June 1st. Welcome!

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Below is a copy of the beautiful Japanese book Europe Paper Collection - just arrived in the mail yesterday!
It's written in Japanese so I don't understand a word, but the pictures are nice to look at :)

The book features a selection of artists, designers, bookbinders etc, from Finland, Denmark, Sweden, France, Italy and England, all working with paper in different ways; art, design, letterpress, stationary, cards and more. I am one of three features from Sweden. Proud and honored!

you can order it from Pie International

my first spread

my second spread

Koloni Stockholm, Sweden

Marimekko, Finland

Rob Ryan, England


  1. Congrats!!!! I have loved your work long before it was 'official!'

  2. Thank you Rose! Very glad to hear :))
