Thursday, May 29, 2014
Spent two nice days with Swedish television visiting my studio and exhibition at Kaleido Konsthantverk!
A small feature will appear in the programme "Sverige!" this coming fall.
Kolla på "Sverige!" i höst!
I två dagar har Christer Zaar och Martine Castoriano filmat och intervjuat, i ateljén hemma och i galleriet på
Kaleido Konsthantverk, mycket trevligt har det varit. Resultatet blir ett inslag i kulturprogrammet i SVT1 under hösten!
Friday, May 23, 2014
my first ever review! and a new japanese paper book
My first ever review, in UNT, Upsala Nya Tidning! You can read it here if you find the text too small in the image.
My exhibition, flux - in constant change at Kaleido Konsthantverk, is on for another week until June 1st. Welcome!
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Below is a copy of the beautiful Japanese book Europe Paper Collection - just arrived in the mail yesterday!
It's written in Japanese so I don't understand a word, but the pictures are nice to look at :)
The book features a selection of artists, designers, bookbinders etc, from Finland, Denmark, Sweden, France, Italy and England, all working with paper in different ways; art, design, letterpress, stationary, cards and more. I am one of three features from Sweden. Proud and honored!
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you can order it from Pie International |
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my first spread |
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my second spread |
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Koloni Stockholm, Sweden |
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Marimekko, Finland |
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Rob Ryan, England |
Saturday, May 17, 2014
In the paper and on the web!
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Photo: Anna Eriksson |
Small article in the Uppsala newspaper today, about the public commission for NKS I will be doing.
Sigtunakonstnär smyckar Nya Karolinska - Kultur & Nöje -
And Frida Arnqvist Engström wrote about my exhibition at Kaleido here, in her always inspiring blog Kurbits.
Here, spring (almost summer!) has at last arrived after taking a much too long break... A sunny weekend to you all!
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
flux – vernissage!
"It's easy to have the image of recycled art as something rugged and for a deserving cause rather than interesting. This does not apply to Cecilia Levy's paper art where the book pages can be turned into cups, boots or other sculptural objects. So fragile, yet so powerful."
Thank you Sebastian Johans, glad to be mentioned in Upsala Nya Tidning!
Building the exhibition and preparing coffee constellation cards, for sale at Kaleido during the show.
There are always last minute preparations and I always feel at some point that I'm not going to make it. It's always the same procedure! I always make it on time, even if it's the last minute.
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My mother, her friend, my aunt and a distant relative deep in discussion over a bowl |
Thank you all who visited my opening and welcome all who have yet to come!
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
sweet little things
My birthday was celebrated last Monday, and as always I'm greeted at breakfast with a card from Mattias. And he also knows exactly what I want for my birthday!
In the evening we brought the girls and my mother to a Persian restaurant of my choosing, Shahrzad in Stockholm were we had a lovely - and extremely generous - dinner. Sadly we didn't have room for dessert... Must go again. Wonderfully attentive service, I highly recommend it! Asta did not come along, but I had to post her here, since she is also a sweet little thing :)
I was not aware that it was chocolate ball's Day last Sunday. Luckily Olivia was better informed and made exquisite chocolate balls for us all. Apparently there is a day for cheese and muffins (yes both on the same day) on May 27th. Hm!
Saturday, May 3, 2014
välkomna! welcome!
FLUX - i ständig förändring
Cecilia Levy visar objekt av papper i Kaleidos galleri 10 maj – 1 juni 2014
---------------------------------------------Vernissage: Lördag 10 maj kl 10 – 16. Cecilia Levy finns på plats i galleriet hela dagen.
Pressvisning: Kontakta Cecilia Levy tel. 0706-54 39 65 eller Elisabet Berg (utställningsintendent) tel. 0730-207 133
Varmt välkomna!
FLUX - in constant change
Cecilia Levy shows paper objects in Kaleido Gallery May 10th – June 1st 2014
Cecilia Levy shows paper objects in Kaleido Gallery May 10th – June 1st 2014
Opening: Saturday, May 10th, 10 am – 16 pm. Cecilia Levy is present in the gallery all day.
Press preview: Contact Cecilia Levy tel. 0706-54 39 65 or Elizabeth Berg (exhibition curator) tel. 0730-207 133
Press preview: Contact Cecilia Levy tel. 0706-54 39 65 or Elizabeth Berg (exhibition curator) tel. 0730-207 133
“Klotet, sfären, den runda formen är ofta utgångspunkt i mina objekt. Det är en urform i naturen och återfinns i både djur- och växtriket. Formen är mjuk och sensuell, stark, hållfast och sårbar på samma gång. Ett delat klot blir en skål. Dalgången, urholkningen i berget, blomkalken, svamphatten. Den finns även i våra kroppar, som huvudskålen och knäskålen.En skål kan fyllas med något och bjudas fram - som en symbol för givandet. Eller vara sig själv nog. Stilla, fylld av luft.”
Cecilia Levy river, klipper och strimlar gamla boksidor. Med klister sammanfogar hon dem igen, men till konstobjekt. Böckerna återuppstår, fast i ny form. Det tvådimensionella blir tredimensionellt. Arbetsprocessen är långsam. Papperslapp läggs till papperslapp, sekunder blir till timmar. Texter och symboler medverkar, medvetet eller slumpartat. Dedikationer, hundöron och fläckar minner om förfluten tid och tidigare ägare.
"I mina verk utforskar jag begrepp som tid, minne, förgänglighet, spår, sår, motstånd och följsamhet. Den meditativa tillverkningsprocessen är som terapi. Jag kan inte forcera vare sig processen eller tiden. Återbrukstanken och miljöaspekten är viktiga faktorer, men inte huvudsyften i mitt skapande.
Papper är ett förgängligt material som blir skört med tiden, är ljuskänsligt och mörknar. Det är effekter jag utnyttjar. Det gamla, åldrade har ett eget estetiskt värde. Verkets karaktär eller grundidé ändras inte om det med tiden uppstår nya skiftningar och toningar, tvärtom är det bara intressant."
Cecilias eleganta pappersobjekt har en lågmäld och poetisk utstrålning. De inger lugn och skriker inte efter uppmärksamhet. De erbjuder vila och återhämtning i vår rastlösa och stressade tid.
I utställningen på Kaleido visas bl a skålar, koppar med fat och tistlar.
Under våren 2014 tilldelades Cecilia ett konstnärligt uppdrag för Nya Karolinska Solna. En gestaltning bestående av ett 30-tal pappersobjekt kommer att skapas till sittgrupperna i huvudentrén. Efter sommaren påbörjar hon arbetet med verket som beräknas stå klart till invigningen av det nya sjukhuset 2017.
Thursday, May 1, 2014
What a thriller!
I have been quiet here on the blog for a few months. This depends on different reasons, one of which is due to the following.
In November (2013) I was selected by the Stockholm County Council Cultural Administration to do a parallel sketch assignment for a public art commission for New Karolinska Solna, NKS, Swedens largest-to-be and state-of-the-art hospital that is under construction. We were two artists competing to make an "artistic sculptural creation in relation to seating groups in the main entrance" of the hospital.
Three months later, after many hours spent thinking, mulling over ideas, then searching the internet for all kinds of different suppliers, having to think every tiny little detail through, and lastly spending a comparatively small amount of time making an example of an object in the correct size and a model of the artworks placed in the room. I was extremely relieved when I left my project for assessment, satisfied that I had made it on time, proud with what I had accomplished. Also because things have been a bit out of the ordinary at home these last months.
Then followed a few days of tense waiting. This happened to be during Easter break, so we, Mattias and I decided to go with our oldest daughter Olivia on a minicruise over one night to Åland, just to to get out of the house and think of something completely different. Our youngest, Rosa, was away visiting a friend. We had a lovely 24 hour mini vacation, the sun shone from a clear blue sky, the sea was ever so calm, we ate well and had a happy time together.
The morning after, while having breakfast on the boat, I got the call - saying that I got the assignment! I am so happy and thrilled and looking forward to working on this project for the next 2,5 years!
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