Saturday, February 26, 2011

paper workshop

This past week was extremely cold, -21°C, but also extremely beautiful. I had a hard time seeing the beauty of it on Wednesday when I was to give a 2-day workshop at Nyckelviksskolan, and neither trains, commuter trains or buses went. At all. Everything stood still.

I finally got there - though 2 hours late. But we soon got down to business, working with papier maché on Wednesday and paper pulping on Thursday. I was surprised by all the ideas that popped up, there's no end to what you can do. I'm as inspired as the students are. And as always, great group of people, this time Hantverkspedagogerna.

Now I'm off to Göteborg, to Rum för Papper!
Have a great weekend!


  1. -21°C sounds very cold to me... hope things are warmer now that March is here. Look forward to hearing about your time in Göteborg.

  2. Thanks Gracia, it was so cold those days... luckily it's getting warmer now, we're getting (small) hints of spring :)
