I'm not really sure what I'm doing, but things just sort of happened, and sometimes you have to go with the flow.
I was feeling an urge to work larger and "messier", but I didn't want to mess up our newly renovated studio at home. I also need to get out of the house and meet some new people (no offense, dear husband!) after all we've been living here a year and hardly know anyone (I exaggerate, but still).
After a visit to the schools Open House in the beginning of summer, I spoke with the art teachers. I was welcome to do a "Project year". There will be 6 of us doing our own projects. The teachers reason that the first year students benefit from this as well.
It means I get access to a studio, art teachers - well, everything that's included in the art school schedule. But I decide what I want to do and when I want to be there. And it's free of charge. That's Sweden for you.
This is the studio, I share it with another woman.

This is my corner, my wall.

Sorry Asta, no pets allowed :(